sync 2-channel video installation | 37’
sync 2-channel video installation | 31’
Located in the rainforests of Colombia, the experimental video brings practices of modern science and transitional medicine into conversation about the intelligence and metaphysics of plants and the coding of life in the language of DNA.
web platform and audiovisual productions
Online platform and audiovisual productions, architecture designs, cartographies and texts produced in the collective process of co-creating an indigenous university in the South of Colombia including a video collection based in interviews with Inga elders and social leaders on their territorial history.
online assemblage of video essays and texts
The website unfolds—through video clips, sounds, images and texts—my long-term exploration of the dynamic assemblages of more-than-human actors and their powerful agency in shaping contemporary political landscapes.
video installation, 18’
The science-fictional video explores the sonic ecology of marine life on the Lofoten Islands in arctic Norway with a marine biologist engaging in interspecies communication by means of scientific instruments.
video essay in collaboration with Mo Diener | 18’
Collaboration with performance artist Mo Diner, telling the small formation history of atmospheric chemistry. Ranging in scale from the cosmos to the kitchen, the video undertakes an empirical inquiry into the capacity of chemical elements.
video essay 11’
The science fictional video poetry follows a female scientist who is making instrumental observations about a changing environment around the time of the last glacial melts 12’000 years ago. The video’s relational eco-geography captures moments of aquatic flows through invisible ocean streams and melting Arctic icescapes.
sync two-channel video installation 38’
Based on research carried out by the artist and Brazilian architect Paulo Tavares in the oil-and-mining frontier in the Ecuadorian Amazon— one of the most biodiverse and mineral-rich regions on Earth, currently under pressure from the expansion of large-scale extraction activities. Guiding the work is a series of landmark legal cases that bring the forest and its indigenous leaders, lawyers, and scientists to court.
video essay, 9’
The video draws a connection between the relentless reach for fossil resources in Northern Canada, which will continue its toxic impact on the climate, and the consequences this has for broad indigenous populations in remote parts of the world, such as the Bengal Delta.
multichannel video installation, 78’
The project examines water engineering and desert development projects, and generally inquires about the hydraulic, social and chemical conditions of soil and water along the Nile. Egyptian Chemistry considers scientific attention, fieldwork and videography as reality-producing practices in this process.
video essay 40’
Taking the Palestinian refugee camps as a case in point, the video engages with the different discourses – legal, symbolic, urban, mythological, historical – that give meaning to this exceptional space.
anthology of 12 videos, 78’
Long-term video research on the North African geography of mobility both as social practice and organizing system. Sahara Chronicle is an open anthology of videos on the modalities of migration across the Sahara which introduces the migration system as an arrangement of pivotal sites, each of which having a particular function in the striving for migratory autonomy.
two-channel video installation, 43’
Territorial research on the Caspian oil geography: the world’s oldest oil extraction zone. Oil workers, farmers, refugees and prostitutes who live along the pipeline come into profile and contribute to a wider human geography.
sync two-channel video installation, 20’
On the politics of mobility and containment lived by a Belorussian refugee suspended in a time-space of translocal existences. Contained Mobility is a mise en scene of a self-defined migratory effort which speaks of this suspended, translocal, highly informed and technologized subject that can presently be discerned.
video essay, 20’
The video tracks distinct cross-border activities through the Spanish-Moroccan borderland around the check-point to the Spanish enclave Ceuta, and seeks to make these obscure paths visible.
video essay, 53’
The video unravels the multi-layered meaning of a geography in which the mobility and migration of women is linked to illicit economies. It traces the topographies of the global sex trade in Southeast Asia in relation to satellite media and other geographic information technologies that visualise globality.
video essay, 25’
Based on a research on the emerging phenomenon of mail-order-brides, the fast-paced video links the writing of sexual desire by means of electronic communication technologies to the increasing disembodiment of sexuality and commercialized gender relations.
video essay, 43 ‘
Set in the Mexican-US border town Ciudad Juarez where the US industries have their electronic and digital equipment assembled by a gendered cheap labor force. Performing the Border looks at the border as both a discursive and a material space produced through the gendered labor division, prostitution, the expression of female desires in the entertainment industry, and sexual violence in the public sphere.
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