Ursula Biemann
art and videos / subatlantic geobodies-org menú
art and videos /subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic
  • subatlantic


video essay 11’

With an understated touch of science fiction, Subatlantic juxtaposes the science of geology and climatology with human history. The video unfolds across the Subatlantic, the latest climatic phase of the Holocene that began about 2,500 years ago and has registered major civilizational changes.

The voiceover alludes to a she-scientist who is making instrumental observations about a changing environment around the last glacial melts. From an increasingly submerged place of oceanic observation, her objects of examination are as much the physical world and the atmosphere that is engulfing her as the thoughts that are formed, reconfigured or released under the changing conditions. Subatlantic also refers to the submerged space of the Atlantic Ocean. Set in the Shetland Islands, Greenland’s Disco Bay and a tiny Caribbean Island, the video implicates far apart locations that are connected through ocean streams, addressing submerged dynamics that are non-localized and invisible to our eye.

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